EN: | scincoid, scincoidean |
SV: | skink/ar/ (ökengrävödlor) (se äv berberskink) |
FR: | scinque |
LA: | Scincus; Fam. Scincidae (800 arter) |
EN: | scissor-tailed flycatcher |
SV: | saxstjärtad flugsnappare (Nordam.) |
FR: | moucherolle à longue queue |
LA: | Muscivora forficata |
EN: | scops owl; striated scops owl; African scops owl |
SV: | dvärguv; blek dvärguv; afrikansk dvärguv |
FR: | hibou petit-duc; petit-duc de Bruce; hibou petit-duc africain |
LA: | Otus scops; Otus brucei; Otus senegalensis |
EN: | Scotch argus (eats moor grass=Molinia grass) |
SV: | hundäxingfjäril (äter blåtåtel, Molinia) |
FR: | moiré sylvicole |
LA: | Erebia aethiops |
EN: | Scottish crossbill (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Crossbill) |
SV: | skotsk korsnäbb |
FR: | bec-croisé d'Écosse |
LA: | Loxia scotica |
EN: | Scottish/Aberdeen terrier, Scotch terrier |
SV: | skotsk terrier, skotte |
FR: | scottish terrier, scotch-terrier, terrier d'Ecosse |
LA: | Canis |
EN: | screw worm (the larva of an American blowfly) |
SV: | callitrogalarv (spyfluglarv) |
FR: | mouche bleu (=spyfluga) |
LA: | Lucilia macellaria; Lucilia sericata (spyflugarter) |
EN: | sculpins, yellow sculpins, bullheads, cottes (See:http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/FamilySummary.cfm?ID=277)(Click on 'Show species'!) |
SV: | simpor (många arter, many species) |
FR: | chabots, chaboisseaux |
LA: | Cottus; Fam. Cottidae |
EN: | sea anemone (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_anemone) |
SV: | anemon, havsanemon (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemoner) |
FR: | anémone de mer |
LA: | Ordn. Actinaria |
EN: | sea canary, white whale, beluga. Beluga means ""white one"" in Russian. Also called the white whale, the white porpoise, the sea canary (because of its songs), and the squid hound (due to its diet). " |
SV: | vitval, beluga (som visslar!) (N.G. 1994/6) (valar) |
FR: | béluga vrai, bélouga, delphinaptère/dauphin blanc (Voir: http://www.faunaventure.org/animaux/belugas.html) |
LA: | "Delphinapterus leucas. (Delphinapterus means ""whale without fins"", leucas means white.) Gå till 'enchantedlearning'!" |
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