EN: | sand viper, horned viper |
SV: | sandvipera (giftig huggorm, Sydeuropa) |
FR: | vipère des sables |
LA: | Vipera ammodytes |
EN: | sand-fly (can cause leishmaniasis in dogs) |
SV: | sandfluga, sandmygga, fjärilsmygga (kan orsaka leishmanios, en mycket allvarlig sjukdom hos hund) |
FR: | phlébotome (peut transmettre leishmaniose canine, maladie très grave chez les chiens) |
LA: | Phlebotomus papatasii; Fam. Phlebotominae; (Se: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phlebotomus) |
EN: | sandeel, greater sandeel, launce |
SV: | tobis, tobiskung, sandål |
FR: | lançon /perce-sable/, équille |
LA: | Ammodytes lanceolatus/tobianus; A. lancea |
EN: | sanderling, ruddy plover |
SV: | sandlöpare (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandlöpare) |
FR: | bécasseau sanderling, sanderling des sables |
LA: | Calidris alba/arenaria, Crocethia alba |
EN: | sandhill crane; trumpeter crane, whooping crane |
SV: | prärietrana*, Sandhilltrana*; trumpetartrana* (nästan utrotad) (Se: savingcranes.org/photo/index.cfm) |
FR: | grue canadienne; grue américaine |
LA: | Grus canadensis; Grus americana |
EN: | sandpiper, wood sandpiper |
SV: | grönbena, grönbent snäppa, svartfläckig strandvipa |
FR: | chevalier sylvain (s.=skogs-) |
LA: | Tringa glareola |
EN: | Sandwich tern (Sandwich in Kent on The Channel) (See:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandwich_Tern) |
SV: | kentsk tärna* (No splitterne) |
FR: | sterne caugek, hirondelle de mer de Sandwich |
LA: | Sterna sandvicensis/cautiaea, Thalasseus sandvicensis |
EN: | Sanford's Sea Eagle |
SV: | Sanfords havsörn |
FR: | pygargue de Sanford |
LA: | Haliaeetus sanfordi |
EN: | sappho /hummingbird/ |
SV: | sapphokomet (Sydam. kolibri) |
FR: | colibri sapho |
LA: | Sappho sparyanura (Sappho: grekisk gudinna) |
EN: | sarcoid, /equine/ sarcoids, sarcoidosis |
SV: | ink (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink) |
FR: | sarcoïde |
LA: | Sarcoidosis |
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