EN: | mute swan (mute=stum) |
SV: | knölsvan (Östergötlands landskapsdjur) (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knölsvan) |
FR: | cygne muet, cygne à caroncule, cygne sauvage/tuberculé (Voir: http://www.oiseaux.net/oiseaux/anseriformes/cygne.tubercule.html) |
LA: | Cygnus olor (olor = svan) |
EN: | muzzle, nose, snout (< Ty schnauze > Riesenschnauzer) |
SV: | mule, nos, tryne |
FR: | mufle, gueule (<L gula), bouche (<L bucca), museau, groin (E groin = ljumske) |
LA: | musellus |
EN: | myna/h/, mina, miner, minor (SE Asia), hill myna, myna bird (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myna) |
SV: | beostare, majnastare, myna |
FR: | mainate religieuse, grand mainate (Voir: http://www.animostar.com/race/oiseau/fiches/grand_mainate_relig.htm) |
LA: | Gracula religiosa; Fam. Sturnidae |
EN: | myology (Myology is the specialised study of muscles and muscle tissue.) |
SV: | läran om musklerna, myologi |
FR: | myologie |
LA: | myo<L mus,Gr mys =muscle |
EN: | Myra picture archive |
SV: | Myra bildarkiv (Se: http://www.myra.nu/bildarkivSv.html) |
FR: | Myra archives de photos |
LA: | Imago, imagines |
EN: | myriapod ['---] |
SV: | mångfoting, tusenfoting |
FR: | scolopendre, myriapode |
LA: | Myriapoda, Progoneata |
EN: | myrmecology [--'---](the scientific study of ants, a branch of entomology) |
SV: | läran om myrorna |
FR: | myrmécologie |
LA: | Gr myrmex, myrmekos=myra |
EN: | myrmecophagous |
SV: | myrätare |
FR: | fourmilier |
LA: | Ordn. Myrmecophaga |
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