EN: | mountain lion, cougar, puma, panther |
SV: | puma, silverlejon (Syd-och Nordamerika) |
FR: | puma, cougar |
LA: | Felis concolor, Puma concolor (c.=Of the same color; of uniform color.); Fam. Felidae (N.G. 1997/6) |
EN: | mountain nyala; lowland nyala |
SV: | bergnyala; låglandsnyala |
FR: | nyala des montagnes; nyala |
LA: | Tragelaphus buxtonii; T.agasi |
EN: | mountain quail |
SV: | bergsvaktel |
FR: | caille/colin des montagnes |
LA: | Oreortyx pictus (p.=brokig, fläckig) |
EN: | mountain serotine, late-flying serotine |
SV: | sentflygande fladdermus, sydfladdermus |
FR: | vespérien sérotine, sérotine commune (Voir: http://www.museum-bourges.net/html/serotine.html) |
LA: | Vespertilio/Eptesicus serotinus* |
EN: | mountain sheep, (bighorn) |
SV: | bergsfår |
FR: | mouton des Montagnes Rocheuses (M.R.= Klippiga Bergen) |
LA: | Ovis montana |
EN: | mountain wagtail |
SV: | bergärla (Afrika) |
FR: | bergeronnette à longue queue |
LA: | Motacilla clara |
EN: | mountain weasel |
SV: | bergvessla |
FR: | belette de montagne |
LA: | Mustela altaica |
EN: | mountain zebra |
SV: | bergssebra* (Ö. Afrika) |
FR: | zèbre de montagne |
LA: | Equus zebra |
EN: | mountain-linnet, twite |
SV: | vinterhämpling, gulnäbbad hämpling/fink (se hämpling) (häckar i Norge) |
FR: | linotte à bec jaune, linotte montagnard/de montagne |
LA: | Carduelis/Fringilla flavirostris |
EN: | mourning dove (USA); white-winged dove; (domestic dove=rock & mourning dove) |
SV: | sorgduva; vitvingad duva |
FR: | pigeon deuil, tourterelle triste; tourterelle à ailes blanches |
LA: | Zenaidura carolinensis; Zenaida asiatica |
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1—10 11—20 21—30 31—40 41—50 51—60 61—70 71—80 81—90 91—100 101—110 111—120 121—130 131—140 141—150 151—160 161—170 171—178© P.O. Jacobson 1998