EN: | large mouse-eared bat; lesser mouse-eared bat |
SV: | stort musöra, jättefladdermus; litet musöra |
FR: | grand murin, vespertilion murin; petit murin (L murinus=rått-, mus-) |
LA: | Myotis myotis; Myotis oxygnathus/blythi; Fam. Vespertilionidae |
EN: | large skipper (butterfly) (See:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Skipper) |
SV: | stor ängssmygare |
FR: | sylvain |
LA: | Ochlodes venatus |
EN: | large stable tabby |
SV: | fettmott |
FR: | teigne/pyrale de la graisse (g.=fett) |
LA: | Aglossa pinguinalis (a.=utan tunga, pinguis= fet) |
EN: | large tortoiseshell |
SV: | körsbärsfuks (Se: http://www.myra.nu/korsbarsfuks.html) |
FR: | grande tortue |
LA: | Nymphalis polychloros |
EN: | large wall brown; the wall, wall brown |
SV: | vitgräsfjäril; svingelgräsfjäril (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svingelgräsfjäril) |
FR: | némusien (hane), ariane (hona); mégère |
LA: | Lasiommata maera; L. megera |
EN: | large-billed crow |
SV: | djungelkråka, stornäbbad kråka |
FR: | corbeau à gros bec |
LA: | Corvus macrorhynchus |
EN: | large-mouth bass, black-bass |
SV: | stormunnad bass/svart abborre, forellabborre (Nordam), öringabborre |
FR: | black-bass à grande bouche, perche truitée, perche-truite |
LA: | Micropterus salmoïdes |
EN: | large-scaled scorpion fish |
SV: | havssugga (Medelhavet) |
FR: | rascasse rouge |
LA: | Scorpaena scrofa |
EN: | large-spotted genet, rusty-spotted genet |
SV: | storfläckig genett |
FR: | genette tigrine |
LA: | Genetta tigrina; Fam. Viverridae |
EN: | large-toothed redbacked vole, grey-sided vole |
SV: | gråsiding, gråsidig skogssork |
FR: | campagnol de Sundevall, campagnol gris-roux |
LA: | Clethrionomys/Evotomys rufocanus |
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