EN: | hematothermal, warm-blooded (hema< Gr haima) |
SV: | varmblodig |
FR: | hématotherme, à sang chaud |
LA: | Gr haima=blod |
EN: | hemipterans |
SV: | halvvingar, skinnbaggar (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvvingar) |
FR: | hémiptères |
LA: | Ordn. Hemiptera; Se t ex http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermes_(genus) |
EN: | hemipterans |
SV: | skinnbaggar (ex. strimlus [bärfis]) |
FR: | hémiptères, hémilytres |
LA: | Ordn. Hemiptera (halvvingar) (ex Graphosoma lineatum) |
EN: | hen flea, chicken flea |
SV: | fågelloppa |
FR: | puce des volailles |
LA: | Ceratophyllus gallinae |
EN: | hen harrier, northern harrier, grey falcon, dove hawk, marsh hawk, blue hawk |
SV: | blå kärrhök, blåhök (No myrhauk) (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blå_kärrhök) |
FR: | busard Saint-Martin [hane: milan bleu, hona: soubuse], busard des marais |
LA: | Circus cyaneus |
EN: | hen, coq, chick/en/; cockerel; pullet (fattened pullet); cackle, cluck |
SV: | höna, tupp, kyckling; ungtupp; unghöna (gödd); kackla |
FR: | poule, coq, poulet, poussin (NB poulain=föl); jeune coq; poularde, poulette; glousser, caqueter |
LA: | Gallus gallus; (gallina=höna); Fam. Gallinae |
EN: | Hercules beetles |
SV: | Herkulesbaggar; (bl a noshornsbagge) |
FR: | scarabées Hercule |
LA: | Dynastes hercules; (Oryctes nasicornis); Fam. Scarabaeidae |
EN: | Hereford cattle; See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hereford_(cattle) |
SV: | hereford |
FR: | hereford, vache figure blanche (med vitt ansikte) |
LA: | Bos taurus |
EN: | Hermann's tortoise (used to be a common pet, now forbidden as such; See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortoise) |
SV: | Hermanns sköldpadda* (Medelhavsområdet; vanligt husdjur förr; förbjudet nu) |
FR: | tortue d'Hermann (Voir: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortue_d'Hermann) |
LA: | Testudo hermanni |
EN: | hermit beetle |
SV: | läderbagge (Östergötlands insekt) |
FR: | scarabée ermite |
LA: | Osmoderma eremita (='luktande skinn') |
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