EN: | gunnel, butterfish |
SV: | tejstefisk (Nordatlanten) |
FR: | gonelle |
LA: | Pholis gunellus |
EN: | guppy (See also the English and French Wikipedia sections) |
SV: | guppy (See: sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guppy ) |
FR: | guppy |
LA: | Lebistes reticulatus, Poecilia reticulata |
EN: | Güldenstadt's redstart (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Anton_G%C3%BCldenst%C3%A4dt) |
SV: | bergrödstjärt |
FR: | rougequeue de G. |
LA: | Phoenicurus erythrogaster (erythraeus [Gr]=röd) |
EN: | gwyniad |
SV: | älvsik |
FR: | palée du Léman (le /lac/ Léman = Genèvesjön) |
LA: | Coregonus nasus |
EN: | gyrfalcon, gerfalcon ['---] (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrfalcon) |
SV: | jaktfalk (förr: gerfalk), blåfot, vitfalk (största falkfågeln) (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaktfalk) |
FR: | faucon gerfaut (<gerfaucon) |
LA: | Falco rusticolus (rusticus=lantlig) |
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