EN: | diptera flies, dipterans |
SV: | tvåvingar (myggor, knott, harkrank, broms, mm) |
FR: | diptères |
LA: | Ordn. Diptera (Gr di+pteron=vinge) |
EN: | distemper, canine distemper (an infectious virus disease of young dogs; See www.2ndchance.info/dog%20distemper.htm) |
SV: | valpsjuka (Se SVA-valpsjuka eller distemper eller valpsjuka i Wikipedia eller Webster's Online Dictionary) |
FR: | maladie canine/du jeune chien (maladie infectieuse des jeunes chiens), maladie de Carré (Voir: http://ango-and-co-ferret-club.oldiblog.com/?page=lastarticle&id=1924249; Henri Carré, voir: http://maladiedecarre.chez-alice.fr/) |
LA: | distemperare=störa ordningen |
EN: | diurnal [dai'ø:nøl] bird of prey |
SV: | dagrovfågel (falk, hök, bivråk, glada, vråk, örn, fiskgjuse) |
FR: | rapace diurne |
LA: | diurnus=daglig, dag-; rapax=rovgirig |
EN: | diver, loon (loom) (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loon) |
SV: | lom (S.N. 1993/5, 1997/6) |
FR: | plongeon (plonger=dyka) |
LA: | Gavia/Colymbus; Fam. Gaviidae |
EN: | diving beetles (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dytiscidae) |
SV: | dykarbaggar (c:a 3000 arter, 145 i Sv.)(Se Naturhistoriska riksmuséet:dykare) |
FR: | scarabées plongeurs, hydrophiles |
LA: | Fam. Dytiscidae; ex. Dytiscus marginalis/ scarabaeus |
EN: | diving duck, sea duck |
SV: | dykand |
FR: | canard, fuliguliné |
LA: | Fuligula, Nyroca |
EN: | dog, bitch, pup/py/; whelp (äv=valpa); bark, yelp, bay (jaktterm); growl, snarl |
SV: | hund, hynda, valp; skälla; morra (kamphundar se: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_fighting_breeds ) |
FR: | chien, chienne, chiot, poupée (=docka); mettre bas=valpa; aboyer; grogner |
LA: | Canis familiaris, canicula=liten hund, tik |
EN: | dogfish, lesser-spotted dogfish |
SV: | rödhaj, småfläckig |
FR: | petite roussette, chien de mer |
LA: | Scyliorhinus caniculus (Se: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scyliorhinus) |
EN: | dogs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds (Illnesses: See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_diseases) |
SV: | hundar: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfabetisk_lista_över_hundraser (Sjukdomar, se: http://www.aktivhund.se) |
FR: | chiens: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_races_de_chiens#H |
LA: | Canis; hundras: genus canum |
EN: | dolphins (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphins) |
SV: | delfiner (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delfiner) |
FR: | dauphins |
LA: | Ordn. Odontoceti |
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