EN: | Caspian tern |
SV: | skräntärna* (No rovterne) (sv. frimärke 1994) |
FR: | sterne caspienne |
LA: | Sterna/Hydroprogne caspia/tschegrava |
EN: | Cassin's alseonax/flycatcher (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cassin) |
SV: | flodflugsnappare (Se: http://www.oiseaux.net/birds/distribution/cassin.s.flycatcher.html |
FR: | gobemouche de Cassin |
LA: | Muscicapa cassini |
EN: | cat; tabby, she-cat; kitten, kitty, puss/y cat/; miaow, mew; purr (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cat_breeds) |
SV: | katt, huskatt; katta; kattunge; jama; spinna (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_över_kattraser) |
FR: | chat; chatte; chaton; miauler; ronronner |
LA: | Felis domestica (N.G. 1997/6) |
EN: | catamountain [--'--], catamount ['---] (< cat on the mountain) |
SV: | kattdjur (vilt); Am. lo eller puma eller leopard |
FR: | félidé |
LA: | Felis (N.G. 1997/6) |
EN: | caterpillar (catus=cat+pilosus=hairy) |
SV: | fjärilslarv |
FR: | chenille (se nedan), hérissonne (hérisson=igelkott) |
LA: | canicula=liten hynda |
EN: | caterwaul, meow, mew, mewl, miaou, miaow |
SV: | jama |
FR: | miauler |
LA: | gemo, gemere (jama, stöna, gnägga, böla, vråla, ryta, kuttra) |
EN: | catfish (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catfish) |
SV: | malartade fiskar (t ex pangasius) |
FR: | poissons-chats, silures (Voir: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siluriformes) |
LA: | Ordning Siluriformes |
EN: | cattle egret, buff-backed heron (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle_Egret) |
SV: | kohäger (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohäger) |
FR: | héron blanc, héron garde-boeuf/s/ (=ko-,ox-vaktare) |
LA: | Bubulcus ibis (b.=koherde, oxdrivare), Ardeola ibis |
EN: | cave-spider |
SV: | källarspindel, grottspindel |
FR: | araignée cavernicole |
LA: | Meta menargi |
EN: | cayman (pl. caimen eller caimans) |
SV: | kajman (krokodilgrupp i Syd- och Mellanamerika) |
FR: | caïman; Voir: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caïman_(animal) |
LA: | Caiman (palpebrosus, trigonatus, m fl) |
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