EN: | beautiful demoiselle (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beautiful_Demoiselle) |
SV: | blåbandad jungfruslända |
FR: | caloptéryx vierge |
LA: | Calopteryx virgo |
EN: | beaver, castor; Missouri beaver; mountain beaver |
SV: | bäver; bergsbäver (Ångermanlands landskapsdjur) |
FR: | castor, bièvre (vieux); castor de montagne (Voir:http://www.dinosoria.com/castor.htm) |
LA: | Castor fiber; Castor canadensis (Fam. Castoridae); Aplodontia rufa (Fam. Aplodontidae) |
EN: | Bechstein's bat/myotis (B: was a 19th century German naturalist) |
SV: | Bechsteins fladdermus* Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bechsteins_fladdermus |
FR: | vespertilion/murin de Bechstein (Voir: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myotis_bechsteinii) |
LA: | Myotis/Selysius bechsteini (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse-eared_Bat) |
EN: | bedstraw hawk |
SV: | skymningssvärmare, brunsvärtad s. |
FR: | sphinx de la garance (g.=krapp/rot/) |
LA: | Hyles gallii |
EN: | bee, honey bee, hive-bee; queen bee; bee-hive, hive; hiveful, swarm of bees; See: http://plantphys.info/Plants_Human/bees/bees.html |
SV: | tambi, honungsbi; vise, drottning; bikupa; bisvärm; Se: http://www.kupan.se/binartiklar/apini.html#florea |
FR: | abeille /mellifique/ (miel=honung); reine (mère des abeilles); ruche; ruchée |
LA: | Apicula, Apis mellifica (mel=honung); (Apidae: tambin och humlor: 38 arter i Sv.) |
EN: | beech borer (beech=bok), buprestis, golden beetle |
SV: | grön praktbagge (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praktbaggar) |
FR: | bupreste vert, agrile du hêtre (h.=bok), bupreste |
LA: | Agrilus viridis/cinctus |
EN: | beech marten, stone marten |
SV: | stenmård |
FR: | fouine, marte fouine |
LA: | Martes foina, Mustela foina |
EN: | beet/spinach leaf miner |
SV: | betfluga |
FR: | Mineur de feuille d'épinards et de betterave |
LA: | Pegomyia hyoscyami |
EN: | Belgian blue (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_Blue) |
SV: | belgisk blå (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgisk_blå) |
FR: | blanc bleu belge (Voir: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanc_bleu_belge) |
LA: | Bos |
EN: | Belgian shepherd dog/sheepdog (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_Shepherd_Dog) |
SV: | belgisk vallhund, belgare (4 var.: groenendael, laekenois, malinois, tervueren) |
FR: | chien de berger /belge/ |
LA: | Canis |
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