EN: | Angola free-tailed bat; big free-tailed bat; See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadarida |
SV: | tadaridafladdermus (Afrika); stor frisvansad fladdermus (Centralamerika) |
FR: | molosse d'Angola; grand molosse |
LA: | Tadarida condylura; Tadarida macrotis (T.=withered toad =förtorkad padda) |
EN: | Angolan black-and-white/mantled colobus (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colobus) |
SV: | mantelapa, vitskuldrad sidenapa |
FR: | colobe blanc et noir d'Angola |
LA: | Colobus angolensis (colobus=stympad; tummen saknas); Fam. Cercopithecidae |
EN: | Angolan swallow |
SV: | angolasvala |
FR: | hirondelle d'Angola |
LA: | Hirundo angolensis |
EN: | anguine (adj.) |
SV: | ormlik |
FR: | anguiforme |
LA: | anguis=orm |
EN: | angular roughshark |
SV: | trekantshaj |
FR: | oxynotus |
LA: | Oxynotus centrina |
EN: | ani (black tropical American cuckoo; See http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ani) |
SV: | ani /gök/ |
FR: | ani |
LA: | Crotophaga ani; Fam. Cuculidae |
EN: | animal kingdom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal) |
SV: | djurriket (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djur) |
FR: | règne animal (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal) |
LA: | Regnum animale/animalium (Animalia) |
EN: | anisopterans |
SV: | trollsländor (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sländor) |
FR: | anisoptères (Se: http://photosinsectes.free.fr/odo/odonates.htm) |
LA: | Anisoptera, Odonata (See: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Anisoptera) |
EN: | Annamite striped rabbit (from the Annamite mountain, Laos-Vietnam) |
SV: | annamitisk randig kanin* |
FR: | lapin tigré |
LA: | Nesolagus timminsi |
EN: | annelid/e/s, annelidans |
SV: | ledmaskar, ringmaskar |
FR: | annélides, vers annelés |
LA: | Annelida (anellus=liten ring; anulus=ring) |
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