EN: | Sabine's gull (named after the English scientist Sir Edward Sabine, 1788-1883) |
SV: | tärnmås, Sabines mås (Se: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabine's_Gull) |
FR: | mouette de Sabine |
LA: | Larus sabini, Xema sabini |
EN: | sable antelope (sable=svart) |
SV: | sabelantilop, svart hästantilop (Transvaal) (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabelantilop) |
FR: | hippotrague noir |
LA: | Hippotragus niger |
EN: | sable, mm |
SV: | sobel* (Sibirien, Kina, Mongoliet, etc) (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobel) |
FR: | martre/marte zibeline |
LA: | Martes zibellina, Mustela zibellina |
EN: | saddle |
SV: | sadel |
FR: | selle |
LA: | sella equestris |
EN: | sage grouse, large grouse, sage cock, sage hen, cock of the plains (sage=salvia) |
SV: | strålstjärthöna (Nordamerika) |
FR: | lagopède, gélinotte des armoises (a. Artemisia, malört) |
LA: | Centrocercus urophasianus |
EN: | saiga /antelope/ (See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saiga_Antelope) |
SV: | saiga/saïga (Ry=antilop, SÖ Ryssland), stäppantilop |
FR: | saïga |
LA: | Saiga/Saïga tatarica (saiga is a Russian word) |
EN: | sailray, sharpnose skate |
SV: | vitrocka, blaggarnsrocka (Se: www.fiskbasen.se/vitrocka.html) |
FR: | raie blanche/voile |
LA: | Raja lintea, Dipturus linteus |
EN: | saimiri, squirrel monkey (South America) (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squirrel_monkey) |
SV: | dödskalleapa, ekorrapa (Herr Nilsson i Pippi Långstrump) (Se squirrel monkey under Google: bilder) |
FR: | saïmiri |
LA: | Saimiri sciureus; Chrysothrix; Fam. Cebidae |
EN: | saithe, coalfish, coaley, pollock, pollack (See Wikipedia: pollock or lieu noir) |
SV: | sej, gråsej (Se: hem.passagen.se/kent.andersson/grasej.htm) |
FR: | lieu noir (France), goberge (Canada) |
LA: | Pollachius virens (v.=grön) |
EN: | saker falcon (used in falconry) (sakeret, tercel)(http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/saker_falcon.htm) |
SV: | tatarfalk, tatarisk jaktfalk, saker, slagfalk (ungfågel) (Se 'saker' i databasen Avibase!) |
FR: | faucon sacre/sacré (helig), sacre (hona), sacret (hane), lanier (tiercelet /Se cosmovisions.com/tiercelet.htm) |
LA: | Falco cherrug |
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