EN: | Labrador /retriever/, lab (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labrador_Retriever) |
SV: | Labrador /retriever/, labb (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labrador_Retriever) |
FR: | retriever du Labrador (Voir: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retriever_du_Labrador) |
LA: | Canis |
EN: | labyrinth spider (See: http://www.uksafari.com/labyrinth.htm) |
SV: | labyrintspindel (S.N. 1997/5) |
FR: | agélène labyrinthe |
LA: | Agelena labyrinthica (Se: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agelena) |
EN: | lacerta, lacertian, lacertilian |
SV: | pärlödla |
FR: | lacertien, lacertilien (saurien), lézard ocellé (o.=ögonlik) |
LA: | Lacerta lepida/ocellata; Ordn. Lacertilia (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacertilia) |
EN: | lacewing (larv: aphis), hemerobian |
SV: | florslända; stinkslända, bladluslejon (Ordn. Nätvingar) |
FR: | demoiselle terrestre, chrysopes (larv:lion de puceron) |
LA: | Chrysopa perla; Ordn. Neuroptera (4300 arter, 70 i Sv.) |
EN: | lackey /moth/ (l.=livréklädd betjänt) |
SV: | ringspinnare |
FR: | livrée des arbres |
LA: | Malacosoma neustria |
EN: | ladder-backed woodpecker |
SV: | harlekinhackspett |
FR: | pic arlequin |
LA: | Picoides scalaris |
EN: | Lady Amherst's pheasant (Countess of Amherst 1769-1838; See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Amherst's_Pheasant) |
SV: | diamantfasan |
FR: | faisan de Lady Amherst |
LA: | Chrysolophus amherstiae (Gk chryseos=gyllene, lophos=krön, kam) |
EN: | lady-clock/-cow, ladybird /beetle/, ladybug (Our Lady=Maria); convergent lady beetle |
SV: | nyckelpiga, Maria nyckelpiga, gullhöna |
FR: | coccinelle, bête à la Vierge (=Jungfru Maria), bête à bon Dieu |
LA: | coccineus=scharlakansröd; Hippodamia convergens (See:http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/predators/hippodamia.html) |
EN: | lagomorphs |
SV: | kaniner och harar (Se Naturhistoriska riksmuséet: Gnagare eller hardjur?) |
FR: | lagomorphes |
LA: | Ordn. Lagomorpha; Fam. Leporidae (Se: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagomorpha) |
EN: | lame; lameness |
SV: | halt; hälta |
FR: | boiteux; claudication, boiterie |
LA: | claudus; claudicatilo (claudus=halt,ofärdig) |
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