EN: | kaka; kakapo (Maori=night parrot, night kaka); orange-bellied parrot* (Tasmania), owl parrot (See: http://www.kakapo.net/en/) |
SV: | kaka; kakapo*, natt-papegoja, New Zealand); (se N.G.1998/11, Canons annons) |
FR: | perroquet-hibou, caca de nuit, kaka de nuit, whakapapa (Nouvelle-Zélande) |
LA: | Nestor meridionalis; Strigops habroptilus; Neophema chrysogaster; Fam. Nestorinae |
EN: | kangaroo mouse, Pacific kangaroo rat |
SV: | känguruspringmus/råtta (S. Nordamerika, flera arter) |
FR: | rat-kangourou, rat kangourou du Pacifique |
LA: | Dipodomys agilis/phillipsi/merriami/ordii, mm |
EN: | kangaroo [--'-], boomer; wallaroo; wallaby*; joey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo) |
SV: | känguru; stor; liten; unge |
FR: | kangourou, wallaby* |
LA: | Macropus engenii; Wallabia agilis (agilis = 'vig', 'lättrörlig'); Onychogalea fraenata |
EN: | Karelian bear dog |
SV: | karelsk björnhund (Se: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karelsk_björnhund) |
FR: | chien d'ours de Carélie |
LA: | Canis |
EN: | kea, mountain parrot (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kea) |
SV: | kea, bergspapegoja (New Zealand) |
FR: | kéa, nestor kéa (perroquet montagnard) |
LA: | Nestor notabilis; Fam. Nestorinae |
EN: | Kentish glory moth |
SV: | skäckspinnare |
FR: | bombyx versicolore |
LA: | Endromis versicolora |
EN: | Kentucky warbler; Connecticut warbler |
SV: | Kentuckysångare; Connecticutsångare |
FR: | fauvette de Kentucky; fauvette à gorge grise |
LA: | Oporornis formosus; Oporornis agilis |
EN: | Kerguelen fur seal |
SV: | Kerguelenpälssäl (K: fransk ögrupp i södra Indiska oceanen) |
FR: | otarie des îles Kerguelen |
LA: | Arctocephalus tropicalis |
EN: | kestrel, European/rock kestrel, windhover, stannel, staniel; American kestrel |
SV: | tornfalk; amerikansk tornfalk (se även rödfalk) |
FR: | crécerelle/des clochers; crécerelle d'Amérique (crécelle=skrikhals) |
LA: | Falco tinnunculus, Tinnuluncus alaudarius; Falco sparverius |
EN: | kidney (The adjective renal = related to the kidney) |
SV: | njure |
FR: | rein |
LA: | ren (sing.), renes (pl.) |
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