SV: | cikadavårtbitare (Se Naturhistoriska riksmuséet: Metrioptera: Gräshoppor, vårtbitare och syrsor) |
EN: | Roesel's bush-criquet; See:'s_bush-cricket |
FR: | decticelle bariolée |
LA: | Metrioptera roeseli (Rösel von Rosenhof, 1705-1759, a German entomologist) |
SV: | ciklid, brokabborre (Se: |
EN: | cichlid |
FR: | cichlide |
LA: | Fam. Cichlidae (Aequidens, Cichlastoma, Pterophyllum m fl) |
SV: | cinnoberbagge* (Upplands insekt) |
EN: | flat bark beetle |
FR: | cucujus vermillon |
LA: | Cucujus cinnaberinus |
SV: | citronfjäril (Se:äril); Cleopatrafjäril, sydlig citronfjäril |
EN: | brimstone butterfly (brimstone=svavel); Cleopatra butterfly |
FR: | citron, harenguet, papillon citrin; citron de Provence |
LA: | Gonepteryx rhamni (äter Rhamnus catharticus=getapel); Gonepteryx cleopatra |
SV: | citronhaj (Se: |
EN: | lemon shark |
FR: | requin citron |
LA: | Negaprion brevirostris (b.=shortnosed) |
SV: | citronsiska |
EN: | citril finch |
FR: | venturon montagnard (Voir: |
LA: | Carduelis citrinella |
SV: | citronärla (Asien) |
EN: | citrine wagtail |
FR: | bergeronnette citrine |
LA: | Motacilla citreola |
SV: | cockerspaniel (Se: |
EN: | cocker spaniel (som jagar morkullor /woodcocks/) |
FR: | épagneul allemand (é.=liten spansk hund), cocker |
LA: | Canis (Hispania=Spanien) |
SV: | Cokes koantilop |
EN: | Coke's hartebeest |
FR: | bubale de Coke |
LA: | Alcelaphus buselaphus cokeii |
SV: | Coopers hök (Se:'s_Hawk) |
EN: | Cooper's hawk (Named after the naturalist William Cooper, one of the founders of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. See Animal Diversity Web.) |
FR: | épervier de Cooper |
LA: | Accipiter cooperi/cooperii |
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